The Romans extended their control into German territory and developed a nearly unbroken line of fortifications over...
Ultimately, it allowed Caesar to overthrow the Roman Republic and led to the establishment of the Imperial...
By the sixth century gossip and defamation were viable and even preferable weapons against one’s political adversaries....
The field where wily Germanic warriors halted the spread of the Roman Empire. “This is the soil...
The Gaulish language and cultural identity underwent a syncretism with the Roman culture of the new governing...
From ancient Greek, the word was used to connote any foreigner not sharing a recognized culture or...
Their annihilation on the Raudian plain was not the last time they would clash arms with Rome....
Led by the Senones tribe and their chief Brennus, the infuriated Gauls went to war against Rome....
Roman Gaul is an umbrella term for several Roman provinces in western Europe. Introduction Cisalpine Gaul, or...
The Galatian Celts retained their culture at first, continuing to observe their ancient religious festivals and rituals....
Roman honor and shame became Christian virtue and shame. The Christian reinterpretation of the classical Roman dichotomy...
Caesar created a new version of ‘Gaul’, expanding geographical boundaries and excluding some areas traditionally ascribed to...