Can Science Solve the Poverty Problem?An evidence-based policy movement is arming the fight with tools and programs that are more effective than...
Being Poor in Ancient GreeceThe state of poverty in fact covers a variety of situations, but always leads to exclusion, primarily...
Greed and the Gilded Age in 19th-Century AmericaDuring the Gilded Age, the economic disparities between the workers and big business owners grew exponentially. Introduction...
The Federal Poverty Line Is Out-of-Balance with the Cost of LivingMillions of Americans struggle to pay their bills each month. Introduction Michael Chase works two jobs in...
On America’s Residential Caste System—and How to Abolish ItHow segregated U.S. cities are organized as a residential caste system. U.S. cities are deeply segregated, often...
How Colonialism’s Legacy Makes It Harder for Countries to Escape PovertyThe fact that nearly half the world’s population is still struggling to escape poverty while global temperatures...
Food Insecurity in the United States by the NumbersIt’s a crisis that’s testing families, communities, and the social safety net. By Christianna Silva Introduction With...
The Surge of World Hunger and Undernourishment in 2020For many of the children who don’t get enough to eat, the consequences could last a lifetime....
Global Poverty and HungerHow global poverty relates to hunger and how you can take action to save lives. Around the...
How to Scrap the Problem of Food Insecurity in the United StatesAn economist explains what it would cost to give SNAP benefits to all Americans in households earning...
Farmers Markets Growing as Essential Sources of Healthy Food for Both Rich and PoorFarmers markets aren’t just for yuppies – they are increasingly serving customers at all social and economic...
What American Dream? Millions Still Can’t Afford Food and RentThe latest labor report is great, but it’s small comfort for the many workers with a job...
L.A.’s Aliso Village in 1942: The Rise and Fall of an American DreamHow one photographer saw the promise of public housing in L.A.’s Aliso Village. When Aliso Village opened...
7.5 Million Set to Lose Jobless Benefits on Labor Day“What we are doing to the unemployed is inexcusably cruel.” Unless Congress and the Biden administration act quickly,...
More Public Libraries Doubling as Food Distribution HubsThese efforts are growing due to the coronavirus pandemic. They involve partnerships with school districts, food banks...
A History of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives of PovertyAbrahamic views of poverty as a curse and poverty as a blessing – and their interrelated history...
Poverty in Ancient Greece and Israel: Plato’s Nomoi and Deuteronomy, a ComparisonPlato’s Nomoi and the Book of Deuteronomy dealt intensively with the fissures between rich and poor within...
Poverty in Ancient GreeceElites feared falling into poverty and tried to keep the evil eye away with laughable figures. By...
Remarkable Radical: Thaddeus Stevens, 1859-1868Thaddeus Stevens was a fearsome reformer, who never backed down from a fight. In 1813, a young...
Medieval Enclosure: Wealth, Poverty, and the Road to the Industrial RevolutionWealthy landowners enclosed (privatized) the commons for their own profits, impoverishing many villagers. By Jay Walljasper Medieval...
The Real Santa Who Fed the Hungry in Late AntiquityThe greatest gift one can give is food to a starving person. The Santa Claus we know...
Lost But Not Yet Found: Medieval Foundlings and Charity in Northern FranceBy the end of the thirteenth century the social context for the abandonment of infants and children...
Medieval Poverty, Wealth, and GluttonyTwo different perceptions of the sin of overeating in the Middle Ages. Gluttony—overindulging in food or drink—was...
How Photographs of Poverty in the Americas Ignited an International Battle over PropagandaIntroduction In late July 1961, O Cruzeiro magazine—Brazil’s answer to the American magazine Life—sent photographer Henri Ballot...
Jacob Riis and “How the Other Half Lives”: Poverty in 19th-Century AmericaRiis as a writer, photographer, lecturer, advocate, and ally for reform to address the poverty many ignored....
Social Class in the American ColoniesSocial class was prevalent and largely property-based in the colonies. The Colonial Elite Overview In New England...
It Begins Again: “The Flávio Story” RetoldAn assignment for Life magazine about poverty in Brazil introduces photographer Gordon Parks to Flávio da Silva...
Poverty in Georgian BritainFrom the charitable relief of the Poor Law to the grim conditions of the workhouse, examining attitudes...
Gluttonous Wealth and Desperate Poverty in the Middle AgesThe message in medieval manuscripts is clear: The rich are good, the poor are trouble. Gluttony—overindulging in...