Antony’s defeat marked the end of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Empire under Octavian...
Augustus invoked the power of imagery to communicate his ideology. Heading Today, politicians think very carefully about...
The Ara Pacis is, at its simplest, an open-air altar for blood sacrifice associated with the Roman...
Octavian decided he could not simply give up his authority without risking further civil wars amongst the...
Augustus framed his autocratic takeover and control of the Roman state as a sort of democratic act....
The Aeneid was written to praise Augustus by drawing parallels between him and the protagonist, Aeneas. Introduction...
Because is inseparably linked with Augustus with little known about him, Agrippa’s story will always be told...
An analysis of the Aeneid and the extent to which it can be taken as a commentary...
Their shaky alliance would steadily deteriorate, each of them waging a war of pernicious propaganda. By Jesse...
The came about, at least in part, due to the dynamics in the relationship between three forceful...
The Res Gestae was a unique public relations move for the first emperor of the Roman Empire,...
The Roman emperor Augustus is held up by some as a statesman who brought peace, and as...
Forty-five years of unopposed rule seems an unlikely feat for any ruler in Roman history. By Edelia...
Something very important to note about Augustus and his political, societal and religious views is the significant...