Alexander, unable to attack from the sea, built causeway stretching out to the island on a natural...
Examining the guilds and professional associations driving ancient commerce in Hellenistic Roman Macedon. Establishment of a New...
He is known for his participation in the Olympic Games and his attempt to expand his kingdom...
Cassander embarked on an ambitious plan to control the region and solidify his power in Macedonia. Cassander’s...
A new generation of forensics has turned up surprising results and taken us closer to establishing just...
Throughout his life, Hephaestion remained close to Alexander, serving both as a valuable advisor and friend. Introduction...
Darius took personal command of his army for this encounter and led them to a resounding defeat....
It was here, against all odds, that Alexander defeated the forces of the Persian satraps of Asia...
The attack had been six years in the making, and still, the Persians were not fully prepared....