Apartheid and persecution are two crimes against humanity for situations of systematic discrimination and repression. Summary About...
The origins of Judaism lie in the Bronze Age, specifically evolving out of Ancient Canaanite polytheism. Introduction...
Israel is trying to force the world to accept and co-exist with a full-fledged apartheid regime in...
Introduction Approximately 750,000 Palestinians were displaced and became refugees as a result of the 1948 war which...
Using modern interpretations of ancient Hebrew, Egyptian, and Mesopotamian sources to determine plant species and uses. Introduction...
A scholar of the Ottoman Empire discusses a history of Palestinians’ claims to land being ignored. By...
The Masjid al-Aqsa of Jerusalem is linked in the Quran to the story of the night journey...
The Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound, known to the Jewish people as Temple Mount, is at the center of...
Agricultural activities in rural Lebanon date back to Phoenician times. Introduction Traditional Lebanese handicrafts are considered to...
Human remains, the “Palestine Man”, found south of Lake Tiberias in the Zuttiyeh Cave, date back as...
Hebron has long been a city of conflict between Palestinian residents and Israeli settlers. Introduction Hebron is...
Modern DNA analyses give an indication of what might be learned from ancient studies. By Dr. Roy...
Archaeological remains attest to a rise in urbanization in the 10th century BCE as reflected in building...
The city’s history continues to make it a central location in human affairs. Introduction Jerusalem is an...
The Canaanites were the people who inhabited the land of what is now Israel and Palestine before...
After about 1244 CE, the city remained a backwater of the late medieval Muslim empires and would...
A literary alternative to the murderous, supersessionist versions of the story that animates the site. Given the...
Completed in 691 CE, the Dome of the Rock is the oldest extant Islamic building in the...
Arthur Balfour was a complex character, hard to read. His reasons for backing Zionism may have been...
Zionism began to take shape in 1881 when Russian revolutionaries assassinated Tsar Alexander II. The land called...
The region of Palestine is among the earliest sites of human habitation in the world. Introduction Palestine...