It was built in five constructional stages spanning a period from around 3000 to 1500 BCE. Stonehenge...
Some of the burials in the Palaeolithic period raise the possibility of very early forms of ancestor...
Evidence for trephination occurs from the Neolithic period onwards. Introduction Trephination (also known as trepanning or burr...
Stomach ulcers, herpes, ringworm and other tropical diseases may have all contributed to the Neanderthal demise. By...
The skull of Oculudentavis provides new clues into the transition from dinosaurs to birds and may be...
The taxon Dinosauria was formally named by the English palaeontologist Richard Owen in 1842. Introduction Dinosaurs are...
The geological history of the Earth can be broadly classified into two periods: the Precambrian supereon and...
The Earth has been through many changes during its existence. Introduction Modern geologists and geophysicists consider the...
The discovery of a new species related to dinosaurs, an iguana-sized reptile whose genus name, Antarctanax, means...
It is clear that a major extinction event occurred around Antarctica in the period 2–3 million years...
People were becoming more aware of their inter-dependence, of social obligations, and of loyalties beyond the immediate...
During this period major climatic and other changes occurred, affecting the evolution of humans. Introduction The Paleolithic...
Our own species — Homo sapiens — lived alongside other groups that split off from the same...
According to folklore, such tiny, hairy people as her once roamed the tropical forests alongside modern humans....
Dioramas have a powerful explanatory power as tangible reconstructions. Introduction His eyes were vacant—glassy, even. Blood flowed...
Studying animal tooling can provide clues to the mysteries of human evolution. Human beings used to be...
Researchers have extracted a complete ancient human genome from birch pitch, a 5,700-year-old type of ancient “chewing...
These works had been known for years by locals on the island of Sulawesi, but it was...
Lately, much news from the field of paleoarchaeology and anthropology has centered on Neanderthal bedfellows. By Dr....
They were constructed as tombs for elite members of the community. By Mark CartwrightHistorian Introduction Dolmens (in...
How examining migration in the distant past provides new insights into human history. By Dr. Daniel Shriner,...
Why humans left their African homeland 80,000 years ago to colonize the world. Seventy-seven thousand years ago,...
Introduction The term Neolithic Period refers to the last stage of the Stone Age – a term...
The Stone Age as a whole makes up around 99% of humanity’s technological calling card. By Emma...
It must be recognized that stone was by no means the only material used for tools throughout...
There are definite sources of influence on early Greek culture to be found in the history of...
At the very least, in order for spoken language to be a possibility, a species has to...
Was there something about the Neanderthals’ cognitive capacity that didn’t measure up? By Dr. Anna GoldfieldArchaeologist One...
Understanding their population has helped us to understand what it is to be human. By Anna GoldfieldArchaeologist...
Paleoanthropologist Carol Ward explains how walking upright marked a milestone in hominin history. By Dr. Tom GarlinghouseArchaeologist/Anthropologist...