Do you want to get a new vehicle but still doubt an e-bike? Here are our 10 reasons to consider electric bicycles or pedelecs.
1. Clean and Green
Statistics have shown that 60% of car journeys are shorter than 4 miles. Such short distances can be mastered perfectly with the e-bike.
That means fewer emissions and less noise. With the electric bike, you can also get through city traffic faster and have no worries about parking. And the super trump card here is that you even move a little.
2. Maintenance and Costs
Depending on the model you choose, the purchase price can be slightly higher than for a normal bike. The mechanical durability is approximately the same as that of a bicycle. The charging costs for a battery filling are reasonable and not very important.
The only major cost factor is battery wear. However, depending on the type, a battery can withstand 500–1000 charging cycles. That corresponds to a range of approximately 24 850 miles or once around the world.
Due to the performance and the possible uses, the maintenance costs and operating costs of an e-bike should be compared fairly with a small motorcycle or a car in city traffic. And the electric bike is much cheaper and more environmentally friendly.
3. Safety of an E-bike
The electric drive makes an e-bike much faster and more agile. The most unstable moment in a bike is the time between the start and the ride itself.
Thanks to the electric motor, the bike is quickly at a stable speed and can be controlled safely. That applies to intersections and especially when driving the best cheap electric bike. The constant and high speed keeps the bike stable. Starting on the hill is also a pleasure.
4. The Electric Bike Keeps You Fit
It is true, of course, that a conventional bike will keep you fitter, assuming you drive it regularly. But if you look at research results on the use of bikes, the researchers found the following: e-bike owners generally ride 3x more bikes than normal bicycle owners.
It clearly shows that an electric bike is used significantly more. And that’s not surprising, because biking with an electric vehicle is just more fun and less strenuous. The engine does a lot of work for the rider, but the regular use of the bike gives us a lot more movement.
5. Ascents are Easier
That may sound obvious, but it is the primary benefit. A good electric bike makes hills and slopes “flatter.”
It can increase the average speed, and when an incline comes into sight, it does not mean loss of speed and sweating but driving pleasure.
6. No Sweating!
Sweating while cycling is not a problem for experienced riders. However, if you ride your bike to work, sweaty shirts are a problem.
In a few offices, there is a shower for the bikers and everyone who doesn’t want to start the working day sweaty. The employees wouldn’t appreciate the smell of sweat either, what do you think?
The e-bike eliminates the problem easily. “Heat development” issue can be controlled with an electric vehicle. When it is hot, the air stream cools, and when it is colder, you just pedal a little more. The bike with built-in air conditioning! That also makes it easier to wear a bike helmet.
7. E-bikes Are Sustainable
There are many opinions about sustainability in traffic, but an electric bike can be sustainable. The e-bike rider can buy the electricity from a “green” provider or generate it themselves using solar cells. By leaving the car parked much more often, you relieve the burden on the environment.
8. Be Faster
In theory, a car and a motorcycle can drive very fast. That may be true on the freeway, but it looks different in the city and on short journeys.
In the city, the flow of traffic is frequently between the start and stop, walking pace, and 14 mph. The biggest problem is traffic jams.
It is where the electric bike shows its strengths. It is faster than a car or a normal bike. That also applies to motorcycles, but these are tied to the road layout.
With the electric bike/pedelec, you can reach your destination much more directly and without detours, because these vehicles can also use the bike paths. With the pedelec, you are simply much more mobile.
9. High Resale Value
Electric bicycles are a new and mature technology that very trendy. The sales figures show a steep upward trend. Precisely because of the economic crisis, many road users are looking for cheap means of transportation. Here, the environmental friendliness of e-bikes also contributes to good resale value.
10. No Great Insurance Costs
The pedelec is treated as a normal bicycle: there is no need for a motor vehicle inspection and or expensive insurance.
So, haven’t you made a decision yet?