The coronavirus pandemic has introduced many challenges in academia, including increased fear and uncertainty. As a result, students are finding that they need to become more innovative to thrive.
While everyone’s situation is unique, evidence suggests that only about 60% of college students graduate. The reasons for increased college dropout rates vary. Notable ones include family expectation problems, social and test anxiety, relationship problems, depression, and financial challenges.
A question that persists in academia is why some students tend to perform better than others. The secret lies in lifestyle habits. This article discusses some notable habits that typify successful students.
Successful Students Are Organized

A recent study shows that there is a close relationship between the organization and student success. Generally, college is seen as a time when students have so much going on in their lives. So often, learners must create time to attend class, prepare for tests, and still have fun on campus.
Most of us know what it means to work with someone who is highly organized. They arrive on time to meetings, submit projects before deadlines, and keep their living spaces neat. These successful students are often focused on getting their work completed on time and with the available resources.
At the opposite end of the spectrum are characteristically disorganized students. Their living spaces are always messy, and they always seem to run out of time when working on tasks. Working with them as part of a team is stressful, and they rarely deliver on assigned projects. This is also the same category of students who can benefit from professional MBA essay editing services. Most students fall between the two categories of highly organized and completely disorganized.
Whether organization comes naturally to you or is something that you need to learn, please understand that anyone can improve their organization skills. The organization is a transferable skill that employers look for during recruitment exercises. This skill allows students to prioritize activities that matter, reduce stress, and achieve objectives. Being organized also makes it easy to collaborate with others on tasks and to work in teams.
So, whether you are preparing for a significant test, working on an assignment, or studying, make sure to create and follow a plan. Planning allows one to keep tasks streamlined. In the process, you avoid wasting time and improve productivity. Remember, the organization is an important skill to learn for your mental health as it reduces stress.
Successful Students Avoid Multitasking

Another attribute to learn from highly successful students is the need to avoid multitasking. Rather than spending much of their time performing low-intensity tasks with tons of distractions, these learners have perfected the art of working for shorter periods at a higher intensity. They eliminate distractions of focus on one task at a time.
In this context, multitasking means doing two or more things simultaneously, such as listening to the news while doing an assignment. It can also be used to refer to switching between two or more tasks, such as checking one’s social media pages when studying or reading a book.
While it may seem that one can get more work done by multitasking, evidence shows that it is impossible to multitask effectively. There is always a delay when the mind switches between tasks, breaking focus and wasting valuable time.
The problem with students multitasking is that it can interfere with student’s ability to internalize information and learn. It is not uncommon to find students watching television, checking social media pages to peruse their books, or doing their assignments. Rather than successfully juggle the tasks, students become distracted, reducing their productivity by close to forty percent.
Please note that the distractions that accompany multitasking make it challenging for students to regain their focus. These distractions are particularly serious for those who struggle with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Note that, like every other muscle, the human brain can get tired. This means that constantly changing between tasks can quickly wear out the brain. As a result, learning and absorbing information becomes more challenging, and chances of making mistakes increase. In the long term, multitasking has been shown to result in a drop in academic performance.
Here are some tips on how to avoid multitasking:
- Plan time to work on specific tasks using to-do lists;
- Keep technology and social media away;
- Choose a quiet place without distractions to study and work on assignments;
- Organize your workspace and get rid of clutter;
- Create breaks and use them effectively.
Successful Students Prioritize Sleep

There is ample evidence suggesting that lack of sufficient sleep can result in disturbances in brain function, which can distort academic performance. A college is a place of dreams, and career aspirations are the outcome of those dreams. However, as successful students understand, sleep problems can rapidly change these dreams into nightmares, causing emotional and physical challenges.
In this context, sleep deprivation implies the cumulative impact of a student not getting adequate sleep over a period. Unfortunately, the situation is highly common. In an ideal situation, college students should get at least eight hours of sleep each night. However, according to a recent survey, more than 70 percent of college students report getting less than the required eight hours of sleep each night.
One of the causes of sleep deprivation is poor sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene, here, is concerned about those behaviors that either help or hurt a student’s chances of getting enough quality sleep.
Part of good sleep hygiene includes sleeping in a quiet and comfortable environment, intelligent scheduling of sleep time, and avoiding stimulants close to bedtime. Unfortunately, several elements of student life can negatively affect sleep hygiene, including variable class schedules, all-nighters, and late-night socializing.
Here are insights for improving the quality of your sleep:
- Avoid excessive alcohol intake;
- Stay away from caffeine and energy drinks close to bedtime;
- Avoid stimulants;
- Stay away from technology and screen close to bedtime.
Students who get sufficient quality sleep experience better outcomes, including improved grades. According to research, there is a strong connection between quality sleep and college students’ academic performance. When you get enough sleep, you get the energy needed to pay attention in class, study, and work on assignments. Adequate sleep also leads to better memory and a lower risk of obesity.
Successful Students Take Control of Their Health
Health and wellness are crucial for everyone. Students who prioritize their health not only perform well in school but also tend to be happier. Also, understand that the habits you develop as a student are likely to stay with you long after graduation.
In other words, the health and self-care habits you develop now can have huge implications for your wellbeing later in life. They can also help you prevent some severe illnesses. According to research, essential components of good health include exercise, proper nutrition, stress reduction, and not abusing substances. All these play a crucial role in preventing disease.
The first important health habit of learning from successful students is eating well. Although you may be working with a strict budget, healthy eating does not have to be too costly. The secret to good dietary behavior is taking a varied diet containing enough fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It also means reducing the amount of salt, fats, and sugar in one’s diet. The portions you choose will depend on your caloric requirements. Try to prepare your meals whenever possible.
Another important tip from successful students is the need for exercise. Regular physical activity is good for the mind as well as the body. The benefits of regular exercise include improved fitness levels, better physical endurance, and greater cardiovascular strength. You also get to strengthen your immune system. Research also shows that people who exercise regularly also have lower cholesterol levels, which is crucial for reducing the risks of cardiovascular disease.
Exercise is also linked to several mental health benefits. For instance, evidence shows that exercising reduces stress and results in improved mood. Also, physical activity can improve your quality of sleep and lead to better feelings about yourself.
Understand that, when it comes to exercise, you don’t have to join a gym. Instead, focus on finding a type of activity that your find pleasurable. It could be as simple as taking part in morning runs or using the stairs to class. Both dancing and swimming are excellent options.
What Can You Learn From Successful Students?
College life does not have to be hectic and stressful. The lessons highlighted in this article should make being a student fun and fruitful. Understand that we all face challenges, and there is no shame in seeking support.