Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was released in the year 2012 and it took no time for the sport to enter into the list of the top esports and be the most popular among the FPS games. Free to play, the game has expanded a lot with innumerable maps and the Battle Royale mode. However, the game does have a reputation for being one of the difficult games of all times. The learning curve is steep and most new players got thrashed out so badly that they never gathered the courage to come back.
If you are wondering whether or not to take the plunge then read these CSGO cheats. The game has a simple core mechanics but it gets complicated once you go deeper within. Read on for some basics of the game that can help you get started.
The right aim
Learning how to aim is the foremost thing that one should concentrate on when playing CSGO. The game does not let you aim down at sight. The hip fire is the only way but that works differently. When you stand still than the first fire that you shoot will land on the crosshair. When you fire full auto then the bullets will move from the dot which created a spray or recoil. The recoil pattern in most cases will rise in a vertical pattern and then travel from side to side for as long as you fire. It is important to learn these and the ways to counteract them with your mouse.
Moving about
The above skill works best when you are standing in one place. However, if you move then it is irrelevant how good the recoil control is. These shots will go far off from the target. When you fight in the game you will first have to stop totally to land a hit. This lets you time your movements between the bursts.
Practice enough
While playing real games is the best way to master CSGO there are some warm-up exercises that you can do before every game. The Steam workshop lets you download the recoil master spray control map. This is a simple map that takes you to a room with a wall and a gun. Once you shoot you will be shown the recoil pattern for each weapon. This in turn lets you build on your muscle memory. You can also play the Deathmatches where you have bots competing against you. Here you can practice the movement and the recoil control together.
Know the weapons
It is important to educate oneself about the core weapons used in the CSGO game. The starter pistols are great for a close-range fight and these do not have any impact on movement. The assault rifles let you deal with high damage and headshots in one shot. The AWP is undoubtedly the best weapon out there to lock down the line of sight. Practice these weapons and understand the recoil and movements to see how they work.
The Buy menu
In CSGO your success and kills earn you money. You can use this cash to buy armors, guns, and grenades in between the rounds. When you press on B you can access the menu and get to see what gears you can buy and when you can buy them. Different weapons offer different amounts of cash to secure a kill. You should buy an armor too because it offers at least one or two rounds of protection. Grenades are used in high-level play but these may not be of much use when you are just starting.
Learn from the pros
Many professional CSGO players stream their practice matches. Take out time to watch them play to learn their tactics, how they use the weapons and how they communicate with the team. This is the best way to elevate your skills. You can also watch the CSGO tournaments held a few times in the year. Following these tournaments lets you learn the finer strategies of playing this game.
The right timing to reload
If you have enough bullets in the magazine and find that an enemy could be close by then avoid reloading. Reloading will waste time. Reload only when you have the time and you know that you are safe. If you are in the middle of a fight and you run out of bullets then instead of reloading the magazine it is quicker to switch to the pistol.
In comparison to most other FPS games, CSGO is tough. However, once you understand the basics of the game and spend time upskilling, the entire experience turns out to be refreshing. The guide gives you all the information to get started with
the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive game. Go slow and play patiently to work your way up the ladder.