Just over 100 people, on average, are killed by firearms in the U.S. every day. The uniquely...
Few other societies have reveled in and revered the deliberate and purposeful killing of men and women...
The lawsuit alleges police did nothing to prevent the violence. A man who was shot in the...
Bribe-taking by the police remained rampant as prostitutes, gamblers, and saloonkeepers paid enforced tribute. Complaints about the...
Six ways the pandemic has created new opportunities for cybercriminals to attack schools and colleges. Introduction Cyberattacks...
First-degree murder is one of the most serious crimes in the United States. It draws very harsh...
Identity theft is one of the most common crimes of the modern era. Nearly one of every...
Police brutality is an issue that affects many across the world, but in the United States, it...
Surreal legal concepts ran amuck throughout the epoch. By Lloyd Duhaime, J.D.Duhaime Law The origins of English...
Penal treadmills were used in prisons in the early Victorian period in Britain as a method of...
Types of punishments imposed on convicts at London’s central criminal court from the late 17th century to...
Legal professions today are considered prestigious thanks to their high demand and good pay. Whether you’re looking...
In the 19th-century, society began to grapple with an emerging problem: How do you prove people are...
Whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas goes the saying. However this is not always the case...
He briefly became the Mafia’s capo di tutti capi (“boss of all bosses”) and formed the Five...
The first published account of what became the Mafia in the United States dates to the spring...
Eye-witness testimonies are an essential component of many trials. They are a fundamental piece of evidence that...
These so-called militias hanged eight people and forced several elected officials to resign. Introduction The San Francisco...
During the colonial era, laws related to the death penalty were primarily influenced by the European system....
Vigilance committees formed throughout the Missouri Ozarks, and spread to several areas within the state. Introduction During...
The Bald Knobbers, who mostly sided with the Union in the Civil War, were opposed by the...
Although a social hierarchy placed some in privileged positions, the code proscribed punishments applicable to all classes....
An 18th-century doctor of homeopathy executed for the murder of his wife. But did he do it?...
Many acts we would describe as crimes today were largely unprosecuted before the mid-nineteenth century. Introduction As...
In medieval England, churches had a moral duty – and even a legal obligation – to protect...
The doctrine of “state action” is integral to American Constitutional law. Originally published by CALI eLangdell Press...
In some cases, the explicit goal of these technologies is to deny opportunities to those deemed unfit....
A new theology that came to dominate British religion after the Reformation altering the relationship between the...
The dying and dead body was an important locus in both religious and secular discourses of power....
Why are photographers drawn to crime scenes? Introduction The man in the photograph above is Dick Hickock,...