The myth disposses native Americans by denying their relationship to the artefacts that their ancestors constructed. By...
For pagan Northmen, elves, dwarves, and other mystical beings were very real. By Irene Manea Introduction Elves...
Settlers left Norway and other regions to start fresh and arrange their world as nowhere else in...
The main literary source for Heimdall’s role in Norse mythology as a forefather would be the poem Rigsthula. By Irena...
They verbally duel in a so-called mannjafnaðr, a comparison of men, both trying their superiority. By Irina Manea...
Loki is referred to in 13th-century Scandinavian poems and folklore. Introduction Loki is a god in Norse...
When the Norse went on raids to other countries, they carried enough provisions for the trip and...
Yggdrasil stands at the absolute center of the Norse cosmos. This article, Yggdrasil: The Sacred Ash Tree...
The Varyags are first mentioned by the Primary Chronicle as having exacted tribute from the Slavic and...
Analyzing how historical, legendary, and mythological elements are woven through the text of Beowulf? Originally published by...
The symbols used in Norse mythology had to do not only with supernatural entities but also with...