America’s public sphere is broken because propaganda has replaced political communication. Introduction The U.S. is in an...
The story of this “Liberty Bond Fish” and the wider use of animals in propaganda during Word...
Whenever any society has had common knowledge and a sense of common interests, it has made use...
The Aeneid was written to praise Augustus by drawing parallels between him and the protagonist, Aeneas. Introduction...
Propaganda tactics are timeless. While the game has moved on since the time of Augustus, the rules...
In the dying days of empire, the British financed a global cinema service. Introduction It’s 1945. A...
Empire was a consistent theme in these hundreds of pamphlets. In the Great War, the British government...
Three types of historical writing flourished in the Middle Ages: chronicles, hagiography, and the rhetorical monograph. By...
It severely affected public opinion in favor of war and further energized a war-weary public in England....
Napoleon didn’t like sitting for portraits, and yet artists and mass market prints helped cement his legendary...
The United States was a relative latecomer to the world of mass propaganda and public diplomacy. By...
How Cold War officialdom made the world safe for propaganda. Introduction SINCE THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS, Americans have...
Inscriptions ranging from the first Persian king, Cyrus, through Artaxerxes reveal elements in common in both Babylonian...
The Assyrian king was the main promoter of big feasts and special events, during which he played...
The poster became a cheap transmitter of these various messages and combined visual arts with psychological methods...
Artists suddenly became soldiers on the front to win the hearts and minds of the American public....
Vance Packard’s ‘Hidden Persuaders’ was an exposé of the new techniques of mass manipulation developed by 1950s...
The British poster artist Cyril Kenneth Bird, known as Fougasse, once referred to posters as “anything stuck...
This year marked the centennial of the conclusion of the First World War, an anniversary that passed...