Catholics and the Reformation: The Hussite Wars in Medieval BohemiaThe Bohemian Reformation had been underway since c.1380 but became more radicalized after 1416. Introduction The Hussite Wars (1419...
Protestant Reformation
The Protestant Reformation: Martin Luther and Medieval IndulgencesLuther objected to this practice in sermons prior to 1517. Introduction The medieval indulgence was a writ...
Melanchthon: Intellectual Rationale and Systemic Theology behind the ReformationPhilip Melanchthon did not accept church doctrine or policy unquestioningly. Introduction Philip Melanchthon (l. 1497-1560) was a German...
A History of the Protestant ReformationThe Protestant Reformation completely changed the European cultural, religious, social, and political landscape. Introduction The Protestant Reformation (1517-1648) refers...
Today’s ‘Spiritual but Not Religious’ and Radical Protestants 500 Years AgoSo-called Spiritualists split off from Martin Luther’s Reformation 500 years ago, but some of their ideas carry on. Introduction For over a decade, one of the...
Before Martin Luther, There Was ErasmusDon’t count out Erasmus, an early proponent of similarly radical ideas. Introduction Martin Luther, a German theologian,...
The Historical Context for the Protestant ReformationTo circumscribe the Reformation solely within the sphere of theological disputation is to mask the complexity of...