The independent country is often viewed by Russians as part of a greater Russia – and that...
Ukraine has been occupied since the Chalcolithic (Copper Age) and the Sredny Stog culture from 4500 BCE....
Before the German invasion, Ukraine was a constituent republic of the Soviet Union. Introduction During World War...
The significance of the imperial heritage for the Russian–Ukrainian relationship. Abstract The legacy of the tsarist Empire...
The official conversion of Kyivan Rus’ took place in 988, and imparted an exceptionally high status to...
Kievan Rus’, medieval Ukraine, played an important role in both Russia and Europe. Introduction Kievan Rus′ was...
Ukraine’s Orthodox Church recently broke off from Russia. This dispute has a history that goes back to...
Byzantine influence was pronounced in Ukraine’s religious, political, and cultural spheres. Byzantium was originally a Greek colony,...