The coffeehouse was essentially a hotbed for Enlightenment thought and served as the social home of the...
Ferrez’s photography concealed slavery’s violence through visual strategies that help maintain racist social hierarchies. Introduction Did you...
Berlin was the last major German city to establish a Kaffeehaus. Storymap by Isabella Buzynski and Kai...
Coffee could be headed for trouble. Introduction So great a Universitie, I think there ne’er was any;In...
Do you want to retain a clean bill of both physical and mental health for as long...
Coffee is suddenly much more expensive – the question is whether smallhold farmers will see any of...
Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages globally and has been used for its medicinal benefits...
The fabric is made from the waste product that is created when making coffee. Overview Ethical clothing...
Sustainability and collaboration with producers and roasters at the point of origin make this bean unique. Overview...
Latte art requires first producing espresso with crema and microfoam, and then combining these to make the...
Ready to learn how to paint with coffee? This week we Brewminate with a video from Miss...
Many young Australians are attracted by the idea of becoming a barista and why shouldn’t they? It’s...
His uncle’s home was a place where Hill was provided with a good meal and was educated,...
The drink consists of a single or double shot of espresso brewed with added water. Introduction Caffè...
He explains why a specific coffee costs more and dives into specifics on how each coffee is...
A PBS documentary looking at coffee’s history from historical, political, social, and economic angles. Presentation Hosted by...
COVID-19’s socio-economic effects will likely cause another severe production crisis in the coffee industry, according to a...
Coffee production is vulnerable to climate variability, as deviations from normal environmental conditions have demonstrable impacts. By...
Exploring coffee drinking and aspects such as environment, processing, and preparation that influence flavor. By Dr. Denis...
You’re going to need like four things, two of which you need to probably buy from a...
The aging masters of kopi are desperate for the next generation to take up their craft. By...
Where to go for high quality and artisan coffee in Houston, Texas. Curated/Reviewed by Matthew A. McIntoshPublic...
The concept of “third wave coffee” was inspired by the ideas behind the three waves of feminism....
We got our hands on some beans exclusive to the United Kingdom – their self-description is right...
Saša Šestić has a unique story, from living in war-torn Bosnia to winning the World Barista Championship....
Stanton natives Dwayne and Terri Vennerberg plan to open Fika Coffee Hus, a Swedish-American coffee spot and...
Drinking café cubano remains a prominent social and cultural activity in Cuba and in Cuban-American communities. Curated/Reviewed...
By the time a coffee bean is on its way to port, it has moved through dozens...
You’ll appreciate the literary significance of these 15 famous cafes. Overview Some of the most famous novels...
The London coffeehouses of the 17th and 18th centuries were the engines of creation that helped drive...