How a story he told circulated, first through his own works, and then abroad, as a parable...
Languages, like genes, are also ‘documents of history’. Abstract Historical inference is at its most powerful when...
Ancient epic poetry and modern films share an affinity for dressing up brutal deaths with rhetorical flair....
After the Norman invasion of 1066, English went into decline as a written language. English is full...
This eerie chamber is one of several “megatombs” discovered last year at Saqqara. Twenty miles south of...
Restoration of the 2,500-year-old temple in 2008 yielded new insights into the engineering feats of the golden...
A German archaeologist deciphered the Roman amphitheater’s amazing underground labyrinth. By Dr. Tom MuellerHistorian and Author Note:...
The Periplus is an astonishing record of travel and trade in the ancient world. Introduction The Periplus of...
Melville’s epic novel about life aboard a wayward whaling ship holds lessons for today. Introduction As an environmental...
The flamboyant big-cat aficionados of the Gilded Age weren’t strangers to fierce competition, threats, and bizarre drama....
Early Neolithic salt production dates to approximately 6,000 BCE. Introduction Salt, also referred to as table salt...
Pepper cultivation began thousands of years ago in India, where it was native. Introduction Since antiquity, pepper has always...
The spice trade ushered in an age of European domination and colonialism in the East. Introduction The spice...
Workers had moved from farms to factories and from country to city and European immigrants had flocked...
If the Fair’s ideas about art and capitalism failed to take hold, its messages about race and...
The experience of a visitor to the Midway Plaisance, a mile-long carnival area adjacent to the main...
Catiline was in search of a massive social and economic upheaval of the status quo. Overview and...
Jews were accused, providing an excuse for local authorities to attack both Jewish and leper communities. Introduction...
They decried the army’s condition and the lack of Congressional support and wanted to send Congress an...
The literary world has changed powerfully: even the last 10 years have brought significant innovations that allow...
As a gamer, you most likely haven’t stopped to consider the history of the pokie games you...
How ancient Mesopotamians fought their greatest fears. By Dr. Jeffrey SpierSenior Curator of AntiquitiesJ. Paul Getty Museum...
The origins of Judaism lie in the Bronze Age, specifically evolving out of Ancient Canaanite polytheism. Introduction...
Berlin was the last major German city to establish a Kaffeehaus. Storymap by Isabella Buzynski and Kai...
Sleep Apnea, also known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), is a common sleep-related disorder occurring when your...
The ancient Egyptians used the distinctive script known today as hieroglyphs for almost 4,000 years. Papyrus The...
Allied birds outperformed their rivals and saved thousands of lives thanks to the efforts of one London...
Six days a week for almost three decades, the pioneering first lady explored what it’s like to...
The birth of agriculture was a pivotal moment in human history. Introduction The ancient Near East, and the...
The Egyptians took advantage of the natural cyclical flooding pattern of the Nile. Introduction The civilization of ancient...