The daguerreotype was the first practice of photography to become popular in the United States. In 1848,...
Russian Constructivist artists were concerned with making a new socially productive, utilitarian art. Introduction Alexander Rodchenko’s 1928...
Lange was part of the bright patchwork of new ideas and new people that spelled the spirit...
People wanted to use photography not only to document the aftermath of war and violence, but also...
After experimenting with different camera systems, Muybridge made a series of photographs at Stanford’s Palo Alto horse...
For Nadar his name was attached not only to his art, but also to a persona that...
Daguerre—a Parisian theatrical scene-painter/designer and showman—saw his new medium as part-art, part-science. By Dr. Kris Belden-AdamsAssociate Professor...
A Getty conservator discusses how she protects a rare and important photograph. In late August 1850, Cazenovia,...
Soldiers were assigned to capture the action and sacrifice on camera for purposes of both patriotism and...
Cameras played a critical role in the quest for social equality for Black Americans in the post-slavery...
Many artists and critics debated whether photography belonged within the realm of art exhibited in galleries and...
Photography arrived in China from Europe in the mid-nineteenth century. Introduction Can a photograph be appreciated in...
A new book explores the photographer’s dedication to feminism and civil rights in the early 20th century....
The images serve as a testament to how clinical photography practice has changed as a result of...
Introduction Visual Culture is human culture based on visual media — pictures, sculpture, and (sometimes) dance— as...
Why are photographers drawn to crime scenes? Introduction The man in the photograph above is Dick Hickock,...
Soldier photographers would capture the day-to-day routine of military life. The Great War was the first conflict...
Today the Paris Catacombs are illuminated by electric lights and friendly guides. But when Félix Nadar descended...
Introduction In late July 1961, O Cruzeiro magazine—Brazil’s answer to the American magazine Life—sent photographer Henri Ballot...
Riis as a writer, photographer, lecturer, advocate, and ally for reform to address the poverty many ignored....
An assignment for Life magazine about poverty in Brazil introduces photographer Gordon Parks to Flávio da Silva...
Two defining technologies of nineteenth-century America—railroads and photography—developed largely in parallel and brought about drastic changes in...
Mathew Brady’s photographs of Lincoln were one of the major sources for press illustrations in both Europe...
He considered it the most democratic of arts and a crucial aid in the quest to end...
With its novel vignettes and its use of a camera obscura in the production of the plates,...
Thousands of images from the Pierre de Gigord Collection are now accessible online. By Isotta PoggiDepartment of...
Sara’s images defined the Soviet Union at its ‘base line’. What was life like in early Soviet...
Westerners were a feature of late-19th-century China, albeit a much smaller presence than Thomson would have us...
Thomson’s photographic medium possessed qualities that draw the attention of viewers and lay claim to a degree...
Keith C. Heidorn takes a look at the life and work of Wilson Bentley, a self-educated farmer...