By John Withington / 10.19.2016 On September 5, AD 394, a violent tempest blew dust in the...
Figure Studies, 1553–56, Taddeo Zuccaro. Red and black chalk, 10 3/8 × 13 7/8 in. The J....
4th or 5th Dynasty of Egypt, c. 2600 – 2350 BCE, from Saqqara, on display in the...
Born: February 1, 1902 Died: May 22, 1967 Langston Hughes was one of the most important writers...
Roman Comitia Centuriata / Wikimedia Commons The process was never intended to be democratic. The first presidents...
The newly discovered late 4th century mosaic floor in the Great Basilica in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv features a...
Colour version of Abraham Ortelius’ Typus Orbis Terrarum, a map inserted into the first edition of Richard...
Activists picketing at a demonstration for housing equality while uniformed American Nazi Party members counter-protest in the...
By Rachel Rolnik 1. People became more attentive and sharp Before coffee became prevalent in the late...
Statue of Mary Seacole / Wikimedia Commons Mary Seacole is hailed for her role in caring for...
Detail, Krishna Killing the Horse Demon Keshi, Gupta period, 5th c. CE, terracotta (Metropolitan Museum of Art)...
Philosophy Presenting the Seven Liberal Arts to Boethius (detail), miniature in a French manuscript of The Consolation...
A virtual reality scene – one for each eye – of a haunted ride. Joel Zika By...
Constantine the Great presents the city (Constantinople) and Justinian the Great presents Hagia Sophia to the Virgin,...
By Andrea James / 10.25.2016 Megan Rosenbloom at Lapham’s Quarterly delves into anthropodermic bibliopegy, the strange history...
Looks like paradise – but how did the first people get there? Global Environment Facility By Dr....
By Mark Weisenmiller / 10.24.2016 “Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better...
Victorious Youth; Unknown; Greece; 300 – 100 B.C.; Bronze with inlaid copper; 151.5 × 70 × 27.9...
Ouija Board / Shutterstock By Dr. Joseph P. Laycock / 10.18.2016 Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Texas...
A screen grab from the movie / Credit: Panfilov’s 28 Men By Christopher Woolf / 10.15.2016 A...
Der Fluchthelfer Klaus M. von Keussler beim Ausschachten eines Fluchttunnels. Foto: Wolfgang Fuchs By Greg Mitchell /...
J. Paul Getty at Jerash (ancient Gerasa) in Jordan, 1954. Institutional Archives, The Getty Research Institute. 5...
Thomas Jefferson, Monticello, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1770-1806 (Photo: Rick Stillings By Dr. Bryan Zygmont Associate Professor of Art...
La Sorbonne, Paris / Wikimedia Commons By Dr. Giles Gasper / 03.10.2016 Senior Lecturer in Medieval History...
Polykleitos, Doryphoros (Spear-Bearer), Early Classical Period, Roman marble copy after a Greek bronze original from c. 450-440 B.C.E....
By Dr. Renee M. Gondek Adjunct Professor of Classics, Philosophy, and Religion University of Mary Washington A...
Ostia Antica / Wikimedia Commons By Martyn Shuttleworth If you took a poll about Roman engineering and...
Portrait Head of a Balding Man, Roman, about A.D. 240. Marble, 10 1/16 in. high. The J....
The Rape of Helen by Tintoretto (1578–1579, Museo del Prado, Madrid); Helen languishes in the corner of...
10.14.2016 Appreciated today for its aesthetic qualities, color during the Middle Ages was also understood for its...