The first real colonial newspaper was the New England Courant, published as a sideline by printer James...
Fake stories have grown more sophisticated, often presented to look like a legitimate news organization. Introduction Fake...
Examining the lengthy history of print journalism in America to provide a context for understanding the digital...
“The extremely high number of journalists in arbitrary detention is the work of three dictatorial regimes.” Reporters...
The local media outlets and workers in Hong Kong face even greater challenges and pressures than their...
The mainstream media are holding their collective noses and supporting Project Veritas in its fight. Introduction An...
Free and independent media are fighting the battle of their lives, but for some, their defenses are...
Creative Commons licensing is a smart way to distribute local or national content when the goal is...
Six days a week for almost three decades, the pioneering first lady explored what it’s like to...
How did news organizations in the U.S. heartland survive – and even thrive – through the pandemic?...
How can historians help us overcome our biases and polarization? Bias–an “attitude held towards a person or group...
The daily deluge of information produced by the news media can drown consumers in confusion and anxiety....
Restrictions on cinema were folded into a more complex global matrix of censorship, lies, and selective truth-telling....
The best op-ed pages operate like a town square, allowing readers to discuss and debate issues important...
The accusation of bias is like kryptonite for responsible news organizations. Introduction When the Associated Press fired...
Lovejoy belonged to a small fraternity of editor who used their printing presses in the decades before...
In the quest for increased readership, newspaper editors began to publish sensational headlines and lurid stories. By...
In 1556, the government of Venice first published the monthly Notizie scritte (“Written notices”), which cost one...
How evolving information and communication technologies (ICTs) can influence the mass media and contribute to social and...
“Fake news” and disinformation have been part of the conversation as far back as the birth of...
The main agenda for the doctrine was to ensure that viewers were exposed to a diversity of...
Time, like place, is socially constructed rather than ‘natural’, and so one might expect ideas of time...
These reading places confirmed the centrality of periodical print to Victorian culture. Introduction We need to know...
Broadcasters silenced Father Charles Coughlin in 1938, just as Twitter, YouTube and Facebook Trump’s incitements. Introduction In...
Starting from the reader rather than the text allows a new picture of nineteenth-century reading to emerge....
Violence, corruption, and murder dominate our modern headlines, Little has changed since execution ballads in sixteenth-century Europe....
The misfit journalist felt at home in the marginalized world he wrote about. In 1869, an odd...
There is something of Walter Isaacson in the people he writes about. If the great values of...
How Parker’s determination to speak her mind — even when it angered men in positions of power...
Whether you are into writing and need polishing your style, or you are a newbie trying to...