Fathers occupy an outsized place in Greek myth. They are kings and models, and too often challenges...
Just as in modern literature, it is a complex and rich field of study, from the utterly...
This is the era the Europeans and Eastern counterparts “woke up”, expanded, and built empires. Introduction The history...
Melville’s epic novel about life aboard a wayward whaling ship holds lessons for today. Introduction As an environmental...
The literary world has changed powerfully: even the last 10 years have brought significant innovations that allow...
Humanist practices of learning were often perpetuated despite the occasional anti-humanist declarations. Introduction Along with the King...
Some consider superstition a useless turn away from logic, while others may be fine with the casual...
From the mythical Sandman to an irritating grain lodged in the beachgoer’s eye, sand harbors unappreciated power....
One citation at a time, a professor and her students are crafting a more complete picture of...
Using modern technology to understand a network of eighteenth-century thinkers. Introduction In 1734, Voltaire fled Paris to...
The 2,000-line poem by Scottish physician John Armstrong was written during a time of pandemic, war, and...
The shape of art in Edgar Allan Poe’s 18th-century fictional travelogue as the United States began its...
“Simultaneously representing, complicating, and furthering the discourse on the Appalachian region and its cultures.” By Dr. Katherine...
George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” was an instant success when it was first published. His writings continue to...
Although tragedy belongs to literary tradition, it is a trustworthy source for ancient Greek ritual practice. By...
Appreciating Alice B. Toklas and Gertrude Stein through a portrait of the couple at home. By Dr....
Greek myth influenced medieval and Renaissance poets such as Botticelli, Michelangelo, Raphael, Petrarch, Boccaccio and Dante. Curated/Reviewed...
The 19th-century author liked his coffee as strong as possible, and a lot of it! Curated/Reviewed by...
Here are seven great literary cafes from around the globe. By Nicholas Parker Introduction Writers and coffee go...
A scholar of Greek literature writes why we need to turn to the past to understand the...
Scholars have scoured the works of the great playwright for clues about his faith. A scholar of...
Making a grammar book was one of the principal tools of Byzantine scholars to preserve the correct...
At the turn of the 20th century, one young black editor implored his peers: ‘Let us make...
Typically oral transmission refers to the basic action of passing information, in this case music, through oral...
Oral-and-literate ancient Israel probably had performance settings that were standardized for its oral narrative literature. By Dr....
Every god has a specific enemy with whom they will do battle and many will be slain,...
Anonymous satire by a 1709 political writer worked like today’s partisan clickbait. She was the “Ann Coulter”...
Reflecting on their essential role in developing the novel’s meaning and structure. Introduction There had been ghosts...
Class became synonymous with the ownership and appreciation of books and the personal qualities books were expected...
Monstrous figures continue to captivate today and remain a popular source of wonder and curiosity. What makes...