The sun loomed large in ancient Maya conceptions of the world. By Elizabeth Svoboda At the ancient...
It seems to have been thought that these would restrict the dog’s movement between worlds. Introduction Dogs...
Exploring some of the most important achievements of the Mayan civilization. Introduction Suppose you could fly over...
These texts excruciatingly detail the human horror and the treachery of a mass murder, now known as...
The sacred festivities date back to to the foundation of the city Tenochtitlan in the 14th century....
Day of the Dead rituals help people connect with their ancestors, which the Aztecs believed was key...
Works of Mesoamerican art often include references to calendars and time. Introduction We think of calendars as...
In an overwhelming and crowded composition, Rivera represents pivotal scenes from the history of the modern nation-state....
Exploring the Aztecs, a Mesoamerican people who built a vast empire in what is today central Mexico...
The Aztec painted language operated at two levels – identifying glyphs and strategic placement and presentation. Writing...
The Spanish saw nothing of value in the indigenous culture and set out to systematically destroy everything...
Aztec civilization sustained millions of people and developed over thousands of years isolated from European and Asian...
Disease is thought to be caused by intrusion or soul loss, evil spirits, sorcerers, or broken taboos....
The main legacy of the civilization was its power to inspire, including that of later resistance groups...
Introduction The Maya civilization is a Mesoamerican culture, noted for having the only known fully developed written...
In pre-Columbian times, most of modern Central America was part of the Mesoamerican civilization. Introduction Central America...
By 2000 BCE, many agrarian village communities had been settled throughout the Andes and the surrounding regions....
By Mark CartwrightHistorian Yaxchilan, located on the banks of the Usumacinta River in the Yucatán peninsula of...
The sculpture was recovered at the House of the Eagles, the meeting place of eagle and jaguar...
The Mexica were a migrant people from the desert north who arrived in Mesoamerica in the 1300s....
We can see how the world once was and glimpse now lost landscapes, flora and fauna. By...
Beans were a commonly traded item, very often demanded as tribute from subject tribes and even used...
Incan mummies (mallki) which escaped looters have, in most cases, been excellently preserved. By Mark CartwrightHistorian Introduction...
These burial places formed the centers of small-scale chiefdoms and shared a set of sculptural motifs and...
While the social category of ‘persons’ is found in multiple cultural contexts, who or what is recognized...
Hernán Cortés owed his conquest of the Aztecs to his expedition’s unknown, unseen secret weapon: the smallpox...
One modern Mexican artist is making souvenirs that shed light on the ancient peoples of this city...
The observation of the sky was of considerable importance to the Maya, Aztecs and other prehisanic peoles...
Since the beginning of humankind, the fascination with the celestial vault has been regarded as an important...
A greater focus on female activities such as food processing and weaving can provide valuable information on...