A new proposal also puts pressure on presidents to evaluate their foreign policy objectives more clearly to...
Two alternative conceptions of government – a republic and an oligarchy. By Friedrich Schiller18th-Century Philosopher and Historian...
The United States Constitution has two important features that are vital in the consideration of its First...
Most political information still originates in the mainstream media, which are being transformed by new forms of...
The Chinese civil service system later served as a model for the civil-service systems elsewhere. Introduction The...
English writers found federalism attractive because it seemed a solution to the problems posed by Europe’s emerging...
Federalism was a political solution for the problems with the Articles of Confederation giving little authority to...
A comparison of the concept of the “general will” in revolutionary France. Introduction The concept of the...
The period between 1819 and the 1860s had the national government and the states in a push...
Only divine authority can judge unjust monarchs and any attempt to depose, dethrone, or restrict their powers...
What forms has dissent taken in U.S. history? What is the role of dissent in a representative...
When nobles and wealthy members of communities reigned supreme. Introduction Oligarchy is a form of government in...
Why have some perceived the State as a threat? How has anti-statist thought changed over time? Originally...
The exams were in place for over a thousand years and are the principal reason why education...
It was not new ideas but old ones that led the colonists to revolt and form a...
Rousseau is both one of the greatest advocates and most profound critics of the social contract tradition....
Aristotle argued that there were six general ways in which societies could be organized under political rule....
Ancient accounts of Aristotle credit him with 170 Constitutions of various states. Introduction The Constitution of the...
Censors were elected every four or five years by the comitia centuriata, the assembly of Rome with...
The census dates back to the Babylonians in 4000 BCE. The census is older than the Chinese,...
Only four representatives dared to speak up in his defense. The Speech Laughter flooded the House Chamber,...
From the perspective of farmers, the legal system was being commandeered by attorneys representing railroads and trusts....
Thomas Jefferson was aware of the pitfalls of democracy and never believed in the “pure democracy” scorned...
A highly important function of the Forum Romanum was as a center of administration and politics. The...
The ideal was formulated in the Archaic period and became a feature of Greek identity. Abstract This...
During the Roman Republic the citizens would elect almost all officeholders annually. Introduction Elections in the Roman...
The movement toward oligarchy was led by a number of prominent and wealthy Athenians. Introduction The Athenian...
Athenian democracy was indeed a direct democracy, but not for everybody. By Georgios Mavropalias A sequence of...
The winning supporters of ratification of the Constitution were called Federalists and the opponents were called Anti-Federalists....
By 1796 politics in every state was nearly monopolized by two parties, with party newspapers and caucuses...