An overview of the major world systems, and where and how they have been and are implemented....
Middle Ages
The legendary founder of music in Chinese mythology was Ling Lun, who made bamboo pipes tuned to...
When one is “brewminating” over the middle ages, anywhere between the collapse of the Roman empire to...
Construction could sometimes take decades to complete these massive defensive structures. Introduction Medieval fortification refers to medieval...
The Middle Ages saw the emergence of the castle in Europe, which then spread to Western Asia....
The growing sense of nationalism in England was one of the underlying causes of the Wyatt Rebellion....
It is often viewed as one of the most significant conflicts in the history of medieval warfare....
Roger Bacon believed people should test their beliefs rather than accepting what they’re told. Introduction It seems...
When the Norse went on raids to other countries, they carried enough provisions for the trip and...
Yggdrasil stands at the absolute center of the Norse cosmos. This article, Yggdrasil: The Sacred Ash Tree...
Among the earliest inventions were the abacus, the “shadow clock,” and the first flying machines. Introduction The...
Little is known about their lifestyle due to the numerous conflicts and combinations of cultures that occurred...
Reexamining Charlemagne through evidence from his own time, as a ruler of a recognizably European empire and...
This was intended to be “read” by intarsia workers (artists who inlay sections of wood to decorate...
In primary texts, figures are addressed by medieval authors using both male and female pronouns interchangeably and...
He wrote of everything from daily death counts to quack remedies. Introduction In early April, writer Jen...
The Plague ushered in a new understanding which found expression in movements such as the Protestant Reformation...
Examining the visit of Du Huan to Molin-guo and Laobosa. Abstract This article focuses on the first...
Introduction Manuscripts and printed books—like today’s museums, archives, and libraries—provide glimpses into how people have perceived the...
A handful of manuscripts remain which give researchers valuable insights into medieval science. Introduction Medieval doctors had...
Come early medieval medicine has become real medicine, not scribal ignorance. Abstract The medical writings of early...
Many kingdoms were elective historically, though the candidates were typically only from the family of the deceased...
It is claimed to have been the most common medical practice performed by surgeons from antiquity until...
The wealthy fled to the countryside, while the urban poor were forced to work on the front...
People reacted with hopeful cures and responses based on religious belief. Introduction The Black Death of 1347-1352...
Since no one knew what caused the disease, no cure was possible, but this did not stop...
We get our English word for poison or toxin form the Greek word toxikon. By Thomas J....
A history of architecture favoring practicality, frugality, and harmony with nature. Introduction Korean architecture refers to the...
Pregnancy and birth have been represented by human beings since pre-historic times in every form of human...
What is the context for Shakespeare’s Roman plays? Why did classical Rome capture the interest of people...